Review of The Elder Scroll: Skyrim
“The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim” is the third installment in the widely popular role-playing game series “The Elder Scrolls.” It was released for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It has received critical acclaim as well as great reviews from those who have played it.
The story revolves around a group of three young men, named Ralof, Harkon and Stryim. They are known as the Grey Wardens of the Dark Brotherhood, who were sent to the land of Summerset Isle by Emperor Uriel Septim VII. They are known to be the most powerful fighters in the realm of Tamriel. Their training begins at an early age and they are trained in combat, assassination, stealth and many other skills.
The player starts with four main races, namely, the Dunmeri, Argonian, Imperial and Altmeri. However, as the game progresses, the player can change the races and play as any of them in different parts of the game.
The game’s storyline involves three quests that involve finding and defeating the “Dawnguard”. The player must be on a quest with a certain character, either the hero or a follower of the hero. For example, if you want to save the girl in the village of Dawnstar, you will have to do a quest with the hero, while if you want to defeat the Vampire Lord Valkyn Skoria, you can do it with the follower of the hero. The player has to complete these quests and accomplish all other objectives set in the game to complete the story.
You start out with only a dagger, but later on, you will get a sword to fight the main character and defeat him in one hit. At the end of the game, the player will also receive a quest called “Dawnbreaker” that requires the player to kill Alduin, the main antagonist of the game. The player can do this by himself if he wants to, but he may find it hard to find an opportunity to attack the dragon because it can be seen by anyone and everywhere.
The game is also very realistic. It does not have magic, elves or dragons. The environment is very much like a medieval period in Europe, although the setting may vary according to the time period. The real world is full of conflict, so there is a lot to do and you have to make some tough decisions as the game progresses. You can choose to kill the hero, but you will lose companions or experience the game all over again.
The game has also some interesting aspects like quests and other things like the Night Mother. She is a mysterious female that will give you a quest that is very challenging and dangerous. She also gives you an item to help you complete other quests.
The graphics and sound effects of the game are superb. The character animations are also very good and so is the storyline.
As you can see, The Elder Scroll: Skyrim has a great storyline and it has the main character, the hero, and the followers you can choose from. You can choose to play as a male or a female. The female character has many options compared to the male’s choices, such as what race to be, their clothes, their powers and skills etc.
The game also has its own map and you can move about in the game without any problems. The quests are very interesting and the storyline never gets boring. The world is alive and breathing and you can feel the real danger lurking everywhere.
If you are looking for a good game, you should definitely buy The Elder Scroll: Skyrim. This game has a high level of graphics, excellent story and fantastic graphics that will impress even the most ardent gamers. You can also play as the female character if you want to.
Overall, this game is very unique and entertaining. The game is a must-have for any fan of fantasy and a perfect game to give them the experience of a lifetime.